With AI, doing business (including everyday life) has changed forever. Many business owners, executives, and employees strive to understand what has happened and what needs to be done. We created this three-hour information-rich webinar for that purpose. The same webinar has already been conducted for Business Associations, F&B organizations, and Small Business Owners.
Understanding how Artificial Intelligence (AI) affects the entire spectrum of Digital Marketing is a do-or-die matter for a business of any size. Everything has changed for the benefit of a business. You need not worry about “the robots taking over the world.” The whole AI change is a huge opportunity. The task is to understand how to deal with the details of this enormous opportunity and what needs to be adopted and modified. The future of running and doing business became fantastically amazing (and cheaper).
AI has instantly created many opportunities for new and existing businesses, highlighted once its actual contribution is understood at the organizational, data utilization, promotions, and customer service levels. With the intelligent use of AI, promotion and marketing costs are drastically reduced—as long as everything is done right. You will see that in the Case Studies presented.
Anything that used to take days or weeks to do, too many person-hours, and a significant share of the available budget now – with the right processes, mindset, and technology – can be done instantly, in a few hours or a couple of days.
There are single or group purchase options. After the first one, there is a discount for every person. Groups are up to 15 per session for the seminar to be conducted properly and usefully for all.
- Greek or English (per session).
Who is this seminar for?
Honestly? If you run or work for a business that engages in marketing, customer acquisition, or tech, this is for you. The seminar is non-technical (except for a couple of sections, which we serve in layperson terms) and is plainly explained so all can get it right.
AI and Digital Marketing webinar topics
- Brief overview of the growing role of technology in business
- The critical change in thinking about the business of the (immediate) future
- Definition and explanation of AI in the context of marketing
- Real-life cases of AI in marketing (e.g., in predictive analytics, personalized recommendations, chatbots)
- How AI complements traditional marketing strategies
- Effective advertising
- Predictive analytics
- Dynamic content personalization
- Behavioural targeting
- Automation of customer service
- Evaluating Leads and converting them into sales
- Using AI in content creation
- Monitoring and analysis of search engine rankings
- Social Media Listening with AI.
- Email marketing optimization
- Scheduled advertising and optimized media buying
- Retargeting strategies with AI
This is the best investment you can make to get things straight with AI and digital marketing (at least). Book your seat now.